We believe in the power of intercessory prayer. Redeemer has an active prayer chain. We offer you the opportunity to seek support as you deal with the cares of your life. All prayer requests are handled in strict confidentiality. Please contact us through the church office phone (973) 383-3945 or email [email protected].
Women of Redeemer "WOR"
This is the local chapter of the LCMS Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML). Through events, such as the Christmas Tea, Harvest Bazaar etc. and individual donations using the LWML mite boxes, they have been able to support various missionaries and ministries including the Today's Choice pregnancy center in Newton. They have also organized fellowship activities including a scrapbooking club that meets regularly at Redeemer.
Lutheran Women in Mission "LWML"
The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world. Click below to find out more information about LWML and how your unique gifts can make a difference in someone else's life.
Under the guidance of our Music Director, Deborah O'Brien, our outstanding adult choir and musicians lead us in joyful praise to the Lord during our service, they also perform special pieces for Christmas, Easter and special occasions.
Redeemer's Food Pantry is open on the the third Thursday from 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. for county residents.
For additional information please contact us at 973-383-3945
Today's Choice
Today's Choice exists to meet the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of those facing an unplanned pregnancy and sexual health concerns without cost. We celebrate each and every life, because every life has been created in the image of God with purpose and value. Learn more about how you can get involved: visit or find us on FaceBook: Friends Of TC For Life
Connect for Community is a program designed to bring together volunteers of all ages and backgrounds who are committed to support our fellow Americans, one community at a time so that we can each live with dignity and hope. Please click the Connect For Community logo to visit their website or call 973-534-3685 for more information.
LocalShare relies on volunteers to connect people in need with fresh local food. Whether you have an hour, a day or a week to give, your effort, talent and generosity will be put to good use−and well appreciated! Please click the Local Share logo to visit their website or call (908) 362-7967 for more information.